Unlock the gateway to Stonington Youth Basketball and  register now! Calling all boys and girls in grades 3 through 8 – a realm of thrilling possibilities awaits as you step into the arena of competitive play. A chance to prove your mettle and earn a coveted spot on the dynamic travel team beckons you. But that’s not all – the journey extends even further with the invitation to join the Recreational Team, an avenue of camaraderie and shared growth.

Picture yourself in the midst of heart-pounding battles, facing off against rival teams from neighboring towns. The excitement doesn’t end there; envisage captivating weekend tournaments that stand as a testament to your prowess and unyielding resolve.

Yet, heed this call to action swiftly, for time is of the essence. The countdown to the registration deadline has begun, and you won’t want to miss out on this whirlwind of an opportunity that awaits.

Venture forth, driven by your passion for the game, your commitment to honing your skills, and your unwavering dedication. Be aware, however, that the arena of competition is no level playing field – the spotlight may shine differently on each player, a reflection of the determination and effort poured in.

As the sun sets on each day, rest assured that your journey doesn’t halt. Regular practice sessions, the crucible for skill refinement and teamwork forging, await each member of the squad.

A treasure trove of details awaits those chosen to embark on this odyssey of athleticism. Embrace the challenge, for it’s not just a game; it’s an expedition into the realms of passion and perseverance.

Now, rally your spirits, answer the summons, and set the wheels in motion. Register swiftly and unfurl your basketball saga with Stonington Youth Basketball!

Register for Town Rec Here!

Register for COMO Here!